Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Cabbage Music Gallery

Dear Loyal Readers, it seems not that long ago I was telling you about my "Cabbage Gallery Refresh" but no room is ever "done" here at The Cabbage.  Fortunately, I figured that out somewhere along the line and made some design decisions that allow my home to evolve with me without too much disruption or expense.

One of those decisions was installing the display shelves in "The Cabbage Gallery".  They made transitioning The Cabbage "Art Gallery" into The Cabbage "Music Gallery" a fairly easy job.  In fact, the whole thing happened rather gradually and organically.

It started back in February.  2017 did not get off to a good start for Hippie and I and I wanted to do something to cheer us up.  I decided a "Hippies Weekend" of listening to our favorite records was in order.  The problem was that my portable record player wasn't working.  This turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it finally got us to bring our turntable and receiver up from the basement.  And while we were doing this we found some other treasures down there, like a mirror ball and some beaded curtains we'd never unpacked from our move more than a decade ago!

Photos From "Hippies Weekend" In The Cabbage Gallery

These decorations were initially meant to be temporary but they cheered me up so much I decided to keep them up indefinitely.  And little by little, we started bringing up more albums from the basement to play on our turntable.  Then I realized that I enjoyed looking at my favorite albums as much as I did listening to them.  That's when my display shelves really came in handy.  At first I just cleared one shelf for them, then a wall of shelves and then finally made the decision to go all in and make The Cabbage Gallery our official music room.

Shelves That Once Held Art and Photos Now Display Our Favorite Albums

The Fleetwood Mac Wall

I Found More Space For Records Under The Church Pew

I didn't just need a place to display and listen to music, however, but also somewhere to play it.  I've been learning guitar for more than two years now and I felt it was time to give myself a dedicated space to practice and perform.  

Enjoying My New Practice Space

My Cat Princess Poe Enjoys This Space Too

Again, this didn't require too much effort or expense.  I simply moved in a bench I'd had in another room, added my guitars and other gear and I was pretty much done.  In fact the only significant purchase that I made specifically for this project was a new rug for under the bench (because I'll use any excuse to buy a colorful new rug). 

The New Rug Is By Safavieh.  The Metallic Boots Are By Very Volatile.

I did, however, shop my own house.  I discovered a lot of treasure down in the basement while I was going through our album collection, like books and magazines and it felt really good to dust them off and put them where I can enjoy and be inspired by them. 

Music + Books = Happiness

I also discovered that we have a lot of crap we don't need in the basement but that is something to deal with some other day.  For now I'm just going to plug in the mirror ball, crank up the tunes and soak up the good vibes of The Cabbage Music Gallery!

The Cabbage Music Gallery At Night

How does your home evolve with you? Have you ever decorated a room around a hobby or interest?  I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.

Note: I am currently taking an indefinite hiatus from updating this blog. Please follow me at for photos and regular updates on my home projects. - Victoria